All Hands To Quarters 04152016-2 HMS Penelope

Don’t get to use that “-2” for a second all Hands message in a day often. Cool. 1) A reminder to all that the ship is taking part in the First Fleet Gunnery Challenge. It is a reading challenge and we need you to report to the Bosun any books you...

All Hands To Quarter 04152016-1 HMS Penelope

Today we have a short POTD (Plan of the Day) 1) The Skipper, CAPT Michael Spath, GSN has taken on the job of Commandant, Isaiah Mackenzie Naval Academy. That is the school for members of the Grayson Space Navy. Since so much is still being written there, it will be a...

All Hands To Quarters 04102016-1 HMS Penelope

Some housekeeping. Finally the HMS Penelope bosun email address is straightened out. It appears above as the to: address for this email. It is bosun [at] hmspenelope [dot] trmn [dot] org should the one above not be clear. Effective immediately after this email, all...