CDRE Zach Perkins, MC, CR, ME, CGM, RMN Executive Officer, First Fleet

Staff Intelligence Officer, Office of the First Space Lord
Instructor, Flight Operations, Saganami Island Academy

Commodore Zach Perkins, ME, is the current Executive Officer of First Fleet. He is also former CO of Battlecruiser Division 111 (BatCruRon 11) serving in Home Fleet.
He is a former member of the crew and keel-plate owner of HMS Artemis (BC-592) as the founding executive officer. He and served from her commissioning on April 15, 2014 until the Commodore’s transfer to HMS Penelope on October 28, 2015. He is the first crew-member to be appointed upon the Artemis Wall of Honor by order of the Commanding Officer. Commodore Perkins maintains lifetime honorary status as crew-member and shall be piped aboard with full honors as such.
19 December 2013

Awarded the Space Service Deployment Ribbon by the Sixth Space Lord, ADM Sir James Friedline, KE.
7 January 2014

Awarded the Armed Forces Service Medal by the Sixth Space Lord, ADM Sir James Friedline, KE.
9 January 2014

Earned the Space Warfare Qualification Pin (Enlisted), by order of the RMN Provost Marshal, ADM Sir Daniel Walker, MC, KE, CBM.
22 April 2014

Awarded the Conspicuous Service Medal by First Lord of the Admiralty, Admiral of the Fleet Martin Lessem, KSK, GCE, KCR, DSO, GS.
Qualified with the Rifle as Expert; confirmed and conferred by the Provost Marshal, RADM Sir Daniel Walker, MC, KR, CBM.
Qualified with the Pistol as Expert; confirmed and conferred by the Provost Marshal, RADM Sir Daniel Walker, MC, KR, CBM.
13 October 2014

Awarded the Meritorious Service Medal for his “many contributions to the ship’s stores of HMS Wolf and HMS Artemis, ensuring that we have plenty of physical ribbons, ribbon racks and beret patches on hand so that we may present them to our spacers as they earn them” and for contributing “generously to the production costs of 10th Fleet’s table presence at Convolution, ensuring we represented the RMN and the Queen with professional excellence,” by the Task Group 91.1 Commanding Officer, CAPT (SG) Sir Thomas Marrone, KR.
26 April 2016
26 March 2015

Assigned Deputy Commander of First Fleet, by Rear Admiral of the Red Sir Michael Paquette, KDE, GS

Qualified with the Rifle as High Expert; confirmed and conferred by the Provost Marshal, RADM Sir Daniel Walker, MC, KR, CBM.
Qualified with the Pistol as High Expert; confirmed and conferred by the Provost Marshal, RADM Sir Daniel Walker, MC, KR, CBM.
29 October 2016
28 March 2015

Inducted as CREWMEMBER of HMS Unconquered by order of the Third Space Lord, ADM Lord Sir John Roberts, KDE, SC, Earl New Mecklenburg.

Inducted as a Member of the Most Regal Order of Queen Elizabeth, with the class of Member, “as a reward for donations since 20-FEB-11,” by the First Lord of the Admiralty, Admiral of the Fleet Martin Lessem, KSK, GCE, KCR, DSO, GS.
14 May 2015

Earned the Space Warfare Qualification Pin (Officer), by order of the RMN Provost Marshal, RADM Sir Daniel Walker, MC, KE, CBM.
23 May 2015

Mentioned in Dispatches for “his services in procuring the Talbott Cup for the Fleet at personal expense” by the Tenth Fleet Commanding Officer, ADM Lady Chrissy Killian, Baroness Fontana Flats.
5 June 2015

Awarded the Navy Commendation Decoration for “his service to HMS Artemis during MantiCon. Representing the ship, task group and fleet with distinction, he significantly improved relations between 10th Fleet and all other Fleets and levels of TRMN.”
Awarded the Navy/Marine Achievement Medal “for taking great initiative as leaders of the chapter, consistently going above and beyond as XO and Bosun during the CO’s absence, organizing and leading all chapter meetings and events over the last several months.
Both awarded by the Commanding Officer of HMS Artemis, CAPT Sir Thomas Marrone, KR.
1 July 2015

Awarded the Royal Meritorious Unit Citation as a member of Task Group 91.1 (HMS Artemis) for “their hard work and continued excellence in their duties,” by the order of the Commanding Officer of Tenth Fleet, ADM Lady Chrissy Killian, Baroness Fontana Flats.
7 July 2015

Awarded the Silesian Anti-Piracy Campaign Medal for his participation at Manticon, specifically for taking “time to help at various points and needed positions at Manticon, and thereby helped to make it the great event that it was,” by order of the Task Group 91.1 Commanding Officer, CAPT James Jones, SC, ME, CGM, GS.
10 August 2015

Mentioned in Dispatches for “documenting with photography and video, participating in panels, covering multiple volunteer shifts” at MantiCon 2015.
Awarded the Havenite War Campaign Medal for contributing to the success of MantiCon 2015 while representing The Royal Manticoran Navy, with MantiCon being a declared Admiralty House event.
The above by order of the Second Space Lord, RADM Drew Drentlaw, GCE, DSO, GS, QBM.
14 October 2015

Awarded the GSN Recruit Training Ribbon for serving more than six months as an Instructor at the Saganami Island Academy, by order of the Sixth Space Lord, ADM Lord Sir James Friedline, KSK, KE, Earl Neu Odenwaldkreis.
31 October 2015

Awarded a second Conspicuous Service Medal for “his exemplary service in his role as Executive Officer of HMS Artemis,” by order of the First Lord of the Admiralty, Admiral of the Fleet Lord Sir Martin A. Lessem, KSK, GCE, KCR, DEO, GS, Duke New Scania.
02 February 2016

Admitted as member of King Roger I Military Academy Chiron House by The Right Honorable Peter J. Gordon, ME, MM, CGM, Colonel RMA
19 April 2016

Awarded Havenite Occupational Service Medal in recognition of their service to First Fleet by staffing the TRMN recruiting table and participating at TRMN panels during the L I Con 2016 convention, by Rear Admiral of the Red Michael Paquette, KDE, GS.
28 May 2016

Awarded the Manticore Cross at Manticon 2016.
Awarded the Conspicuous Gallantry Medal at Manticon 2016.
20 July 2016

Induction into the Ellen D’Orville Honor Society as Cum Laude member by Sir Eric Schulman, OM, SC, OG, ME, Rear Admiral of the Red, RMN, Commandant, Saganami Island Naval Academy
7 September 2016

Awarded Masadan Occupational Service Medal
9 September 2016

Awarded Havenite War Campaign Medal in recognition of his service at MantiCon 2016 by Martin Lessem, KSK, GCE, KCR, DSO, CGM, GS, Admiral of the Fleet RMN, First Lord of the Admiralty, Duke, New Scania
Having traveled the qualifying distance to Manitcon 2016, awarded the SILESIAN ANTI-PIRACY CAMPAIGN MEDAL by Martin Lessem, KSK, GCE, KCR, DSO, CGM, GS, Admiral of the Fleet RMN, First Lord of the Admiralty, Duke, New Scania
29 October 2016

Awarded Royal Household Distinguished Service Medal at Manticon 2016
Awarded Companion, Most Honorable Order of King Roger I at Manticon 2016