Hello, fellow crewmen of HMS Penelope,
Admiral Lessem has sent out the annual membership survey, surveymonkey.com/r/P7HBM8Y. Please take a moment to fill it out.
There are just under two weeks left for the Emergency Relief Challenge of the Black Sphinx Cup. You don’t need to do a whole lot to help. A few cans of food or a few dollars adds up quickly and it can make a real difference in the lives of those who simply don’t have enough.
The deadline to get receipts submitted to Marge Duff is 8 pm Eastern on Friday, December 15th.
Please submit your information as follows:
Email your receipt(s) and photo(s)/video of your donation(s) for the ERC to bosun [at] 1stfleet [dot] trmn [dot] org. All of the information will go into an Excel spreadsheet with a link to the proof media.
[*] Donation date
[*] Number of canned or dry food goods donated.
[*] Number of alternative items donated.
[*] Alternative items pre-approved? (Y / N / N/A)
[*] Monetary donation amount
[*] Donated to (including name, address, phone number)
[*] Total points donated.
[*] Photographic documentation attached? (Y/N)
[*] Filename of photographic documentation.
[*] Rank, name and TRMN ID number of all members directly involved in the donation Instance.
[*] Brief description of items donated.
Please note that, at minimum, your information and a photo of your donation is required.
HMS Penelope has made the move to the TRMN Forums, forums.trmn.org. Our ship’s forum can be located here, forums.trmn.org/viewforum.php?f=215. Use your Medusa username and password to log in to the forums. The First Fleet and HMS Penelope facebook pages are still active.
To access Medusa, go to the website medusa.trmn.org. Your username is the same address that you used to join TRMN. If you don’t know your password, hit the “Forgot your password?” link on the login screen and an email will be sent to you with further instructions.
Please reach out to the Captain, John Rebori, the Bosun, Kate Regina, or the XO, Rachel Nevins, if you have any question, concerns, or comments.
Rachel Nevins, CE, QBM
Commander, RMN
Communications Officer, First Fleet
Executive Officer, HMS Penelope (BC-585)
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